Our Impact

Over our 50-year history, the Shriver Center has secured hundreds of law and policy victories with and for people living in poverty in Illinois. Building on these wins and our comprehensive view of poverty, we connect and train lawyers, community leaders, and activists nationwide to advance opportunity — for all, not just some.

No one should have to choose between meeting their basic needs and being with their loved ones.

5,000 Chicagoans will receive $500 a month in one of nation's largest publicly funded guaranteed income programs

Marie Claire Tran-Leung, Director of the Shriver Center’s Legal Impact Network, testified before the U.S. House Diversity and Inclusion Subcommittee

LIFT the BAR Act and HEAL Act Will Expand Pathways to Coverage for Immigrant Families

In a listening session, Shriver Center Attorney Lorilei Williams provided comments to the Gender Policy Council and Special Assistant to the President

Comments Filed in Partnership with Legal Impact Network Members

The Shriver Center on Poverty Law will continue to advocate for healthcare for all Illinoisans until everyone has access to coverage.

Historic advance for domestic workers, anti-wage theft protections, added paid sick leave use among wins

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