Whether you’re a lawyer, paralegal, or a policy maker, there are many ways you can contribute to our work.
The Shriver Center regularly hosts convenings, meetings, and fundraisers designed to inform and engage members of the advocacy community. Sign up to receive information on our latest campaigns and events.
From our Professionals’ Council to events, there are many opportunities to support the Shriver Center’s development work as a volunteer. For more information, contact Erin Dowland Kabwe.
The Shriver Center welcomes pro bono partners to support our impact litigation, policy work, and research needs. To explore this opportunity, please contact Stephanie Altman.
Cy pres awards can honor and advance the interests of class members while helping sustain our work to challenge systemic inequities. To recommend the Shriver Center for a cy pres award, contact Erin Dowland Kabwe.
We believe that building the skills and capacity of advocates for low-income people will result in bigger, better, and bolder gains for people living in poverty. Learn more about our Advocate Training program.
Connect with lawyers and other community leaders across the country to learn how you can support the fight for change nationwide. We can accomplish more together than we can alone. Learn more about our Advocate Networks.
Now more than ever, your investment is crucial for changing rules that change lives. To build a future free from poverty and racism, join our movement today.