Igniting activism for racial and economic justice
In the face of deep conflict and polarization, as basic freedoms and rights are under attack, no one can stand on the sidelines anymore. Our country and our civil rights are at a crossroads, much as they were during the lifetime of our founder, Sargent Shriver.
Join the Shriver Center on Poverty Law and the Sargent Shriver Peace Institute for our new event series, Civil Rights at a Crossroads: Igniting Activism for Racial and Economic Justice, starting in 2023. We’ll explore the parallels between the civil rights movement of the 1960s and the fight for racial justice today.
Sign up to stay informed of planned events in the series!
May 2023
False narratives about the role of race in history hide inequitable outcomes and protect the status quo.
Apr 2023
Minimizing, sanitizing, or rejecting the existence of racism doesn’t make it vanish.
Apr 2023
The first installment in our series Civil Rights at a Crossroads explore the link between spirituality and our fraught politics.
Jan 2023
The challenges we face in the fight for racial and economic justice have roots in our history as a country.
Jun 2022
Without history, there is no basis for comprehensive advocacy efforts for racial and economic justice.
✔️ Find out about our anti-poverty advocacy
✔️ Read exclusive analyses of the politics shaping the fight for economic and racial justice
✔️ Learn about how our racial justice trainings can help you meet the moment