Our tax code is both a symptom of and instrument of systemic racism – and, in short, it can be fundamentally unfair
Millions of workers are struggling in the face of the COVID-19 crisis
The presence of police officers in our schools and their detrimental impact on Black and Brown children is well documented.
Statement from New President & CEO Audra Wilson
Housing authorities can promote health and justice for returning citizens right now
The Legal Impact Network responds to COVID-19
Six things Congress and the Trump Administration can do right now
Groundbreaking Program Centers Racial Equity in Anti-Poverty Advocacy
Now more than ever, we must remember our shared humanity and protect all people, including the incarcerated.
A statement from the Shriver Center on Poverty Law.
Although race and poverty have been entwined throughout America’s history, the link between them has often been ignored.
While natural disasters do not discriminate, their long-term impact disproportionately falls on low-income communities of color.