Responsible Budget Coalition Celebrates House Passage of Fair Tax Amendment

"We applaud all those who voted yes for taking a responsible first step toward putting Illinois’s fiscal house back in order."


May 27, 2019

Ambar Mentor-Truppa
Responsible Budget Coalition


The Responsible Budget Coalition (RBC) and its more than 300 member organizations—including Illinois’s leading social service providers, advocates, community groups and labor unions—responded to today’s vote in the Illinois House of Representatives placing the fair tax amendment (SJRCA 1) on the November 2020 ballot:

“We applaud all those who voted yes for taking a responsible first step toward putting Illinois’s fiscal house back in order. The federal government and 32 other states require wealthy people to pay higher tax rates than working people. This is our chance to change the unfair, regressive tax system that makes Illinois a national outlier and take a giant step to end the state’s budget mess.” – RBC Executive Committee co-chair John Bouman, president of the Shriver Center on Poverty Law

“With fair tax reform we can reinvest in our children from early education and school funding through higher ed, and do so without putting the burden on working families.” – Maria Whelan, president of Illinois Action for Children

“A more just tax system is long overdue. The fair tax allows low- and middle-income households to pay less while requiring the wealthy to pay their share. Polls show that 75% of Illinois voters support this fair tax plan, and now the people will be heard at the ballot box in 2020.” RBC Legislative Committee co-chair William McNary, co-director of Citizen Action/Illinois

“The revenue from fair tax reform offers hope to human service providers harmed by the budget impasse and to our communities that have been hurting for too long. Most important, it does so equitably by taxing those who can afford it. Statewide 97% of taxpayers would see no increase or get a tax break. It’s an even better deal for southern Illinois, where more than 99% of taxpayers would see no increase or get a tax cut.” – RBC member Kate Fakhoury, southern Illinois organizer for Illinois Partners for Human Services

“Today’s vote is a victory for all working people in Illinois, both the middle class and all those struggling to get there and stay. This is about fairness, the idea that working folks shouldn’t bear the burden while the wealthy get an easy ride. The labor movement is going to work alongside the Responsible Budget Coalition and all our allies to make sure the fair tax constitutional amendment passes next fall.” – Michael Carrigan, president, Illinois AFL-CIO– Michael Carrigan, president, Illinois AFL-CIO

“Fair tax reform will bring greater racial equity to Illinois. Today’s vote is a strong step toward fairness and shared prosperity for all, including parents, low-wage workers, seniors, and immigrants. Grassroots Collaborative is committed to make working people’s voices heard on the Fair Tax.”– RBC Member Amisha Patel, Executive Director, Grassroots Collaborative

“This is a strong step toward economic prosperity for the Latino community.” – RBC member Sylvia Puente, Executive Director, Latino Policy Forum


The Responsible Budget Coalition is a nonpartisan statewide coalition made up of over 300 member organizations. We are united by three common principles including adequate revenue to support state priorities, no cuts to vital programs and services, and fairness in raising revenue. The RBC does not intervene or participate in contested elections for public office, nor does it support, endorse or oppose any candidates for office, nor do the endorsements or electoral activities of our member organizations reflect or suggest a position with respect to a contested election on behalf of the RBC. As a coalition, we engage and work with public officials on a bipartisan basis to enact our core principles.

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