When deepening your understanding of systemic racial justice advocacy, the messenger matters.
The Shriver Center’s Affiliate Faculty Network is a group of highly experienced race equity advocates and organizational change experts available to facilitate racial justice training for organizations with a commitment to racial justice. Members of our Affiliate Faculty Network bring years of expertise advancing racial justice agendas internally within legal aid and public interest law organizations and working externally alongside BIPOC communities.
Diverse perspectives bring about innovation. The unique perspectives our Affiliate Faculty Network trainers add to the Shriver Center’s curriculum help guide training participants on their journey to understand the foundations for race equity. Each Affiliate Faculty Network member has participated in one of the Shriver Center’s flagship programs and has utilized the tools they now teach.
Discussions facilitated by this seasoned group will assist organizations no matter where they are on their race equity journey.
Disability Rights California
RJI 2014
DePaul University College of Law
RJI 2015
Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation
RJI 2019
The Legal Aid Society
✔️ Find out about our anti-poverty advocacy
✔️ Read exclusive analyses of the politics shaping the fight for economic and racial justice
✔️ Learn about how our racial justice trainings can help you meet the moment